About Us
Treasure Cove is a collectible store that specializes in toys and comics.
We currently have a large variety of electronic games including Game Boy, Wii, N64, all the NES systems as well as PlayStation. We have a great selection of G.I. Joe, Transformers, Star Wars, He-Man, T.M.N.T and Marvel and D.C. super hero figures and lots of T.V. and movie character related toys. Hot wheels, Barbie and Star Trek are also some of the toys we carry. Stop by and re-live your childhood!
Our inventory also extends to oil and gas memorabilia, knives and swords, WWI & II medals and accessories, models, vintage toys (Tonka, dolls), records, cassette tapes, VHS, DVDs, knickknacks and used books. There are many more items for you to explore and check out when you come for a visit.
Trading cards/RPG games are also part of our inventory and include such variety as D&D, MTG, Yugioh, Pokemon, which we carry on a regular basis. Please inquire for other available card product. We host D&D campaigns and Friday Night Magic in the store as well as Sat and Sun tournaments - check out our FB page to find out what we are playing and for upcoming new product. Come in and see our large display of available product and play a game or two while you are here.